
This is the documentation for the development version of DTK. There may be significant differences from the latest stable release. Please follow this link if you are looking for DTK 2.0

Coding Style Guidelines

DataTransferKit developers follow a set of style guidelines and use the clang format tool to create a consistent appearance to all source code committed to the repository.


ClangFormat (version 4.0) is used to check the C++ code formatting style in DTK. A pull request that does not comply will be rejected. Configure with -D DataTransferKit_ENABLE_ClangFormat=ON and do make format-cpp to apply the formatting style before your commit. Alternatively, run ctest -V -R check_format_cpp display the diff without applying the changes.

Style Guide

The following conventions are used in the code.

Names of classes, structs, and enumerations are camel case and capitalized:

class ExampleClassName {};

Function names are camel case and not capitalized:

void exampleFunctionName() const;

Variable names are lower case and have underscores to separate words:

double example_double_var;
std::vector<int> example_vec_var;

If a variable is class data prefixed with a _:

class ExampleClass
    int _a_public_var;
    double _class_double_var;
    std::vector<int> _example_vec_var;
    std::string _a_protected_string;

Previously, the convention for class data was to prefix the variable name with d_ so this will be seen throughout the code. We will be transitioning to the _ prefix convention in future work and slowly transition existing code.

The clang-format tool described above enforces spacing, line breaks, and other general file formatting requirements. Header files are suffixed with .hpp and non-templated implementation files are suffixed with .cpp. Header guards are needed for all header files following the convention of DTK_CLASSNAME_HPP. For example:


class ExampleClass
    // Class definition...
